Primality Testing

We can test primality using the Miller-Rabin test. Given an odd number \( n \), we can write it as \( n=2^r\times d +1 \), for some \( r> 0 \) and \( d \) an odd number. If \( d \) is prime, then: \( a^d \equiv 1 \pmod{n} \) \( a^{2^r \times d}\equiv -1 \pmod{n} \) If \( n \) is prime, then it satisfies Fermat's little theorem and the only square roots of \( 1 \) are \( -1 \) and \( 1 \). If any of these conditions is not fulfilled, \( n \) is not prime (if it passes, it could be composite, depending on the choice of \( a \), known as the witness). Checking several \( a \) allows us to make sure that the test passed for a composite number. The decomposition is easy to do:

pub fn decompose(n: u128) -> (u128,u128) {
        let mut d: u128=n-1;
        let mut r: u128=0;
        while d%2 == 0 {
            d /= 2;
            r += 1;

Since \( n-1 \) is even, we can take factors of \( 2 \) repeatedly, until \( d \) is no longer divisible by \( 2 \). The condition can be checked faster by looking at the last bit of \( n-1 \).

The core of the Miller-Rabin test is (it yields true if it is probably prime):

fn miller_rabin(a: u128, n: u128, d: u128, r: u128) -> bool {
        let n_minus_one: u128 = n - 1u128;
        let field=FieldPoint::new(a,n);
        let mut x = field.power(d);
        let mut count: u128 =1;
        if x.num == 1 || x.num == n_minus_one {
            return true;
        while count < r {
            x = x.power(2u128);
            if x.num == n_minus_one {
                return true;
            count += 1u128;

If you have a composite number and try several witnesses, it is very likely it will fail at least one (and stop at the first one) and so we can discard the number.